News - Wed, 04/17/2024 - 17:45
Signs You Might Need Your Tonsils Removed
Last update 04/17/2024 - 17:47
According to Dr. Vo Thanh Quang, Deputy General Director, an otolaryngology expert at Hanoi French Hospital, tonsils normally function to produce antibodies that contribute to the body’s immune system. This function is usually more active in children and gradually decreases with age.
When tonsillitis recurs frequently and is not effectively treated, the tonsils become a source of bacterial infection, leading to complications that can adversely affect health and pose serious risks to patients.
When should tonsillectomy be considered?
According to Dr. Quang, the following symptoms may warrant tonsillectomy:
- Chronic tonsillitis: Tonsillectomy is recommended for individuals with recurrent tonsillitis each year, including inflammation and recurrent infections multiple times a year, persisting over many consecutive years. Tonsillitis of this nature lead to complications such as middle ear infections, sinusitis, or severe complications like rheumatic fever, joint inflammation, or kidney inflammation.
- Difficulty swallowing, speech impairment: Tonsillitis may manifest as acute or chronic inflammation, recurrent acute episodes, chronic inflammation, enlargement, or abscess formation, causing patients to experience difficulty swallowing and speech impairment.
- Loud snoring, episodes of sleep apnea: Enlarged tonsils are a common cause of obstructive sleep apnea, obstructing the airway and leading to airway obstruction. Individuals experiencing loud snoring or episodes of sleep apnea should seek early hospitalization.
- Peritonsillar abscess: The peritonsillar space, which is a collection of pus surrounding the tonsils, requires drainage and antibiotic treatment. However, there is a high risk of reinfection, prompting doctors to recommend early tonsillectomy to prevent recurrence.
- Halitosis: Tonsillitis can generate multiple crypts containing debris, producing malodorous breath, resulting in a lack of confidence.
- Abnormal tumor growth: If numerous abnormal growths are observed on the tonsil surface, especially on one side, or if tonsil cancer is suspected, prompt hospitalization for examination is necessary to immediately remove the tumor.
Considerations for Tonsillectomy
Tonsillectomy may lead to complications due to various factors: anesthesia complications, incorrect surgical techniques (cutting blood vessels causing bleeding), coagulation disorders. Therefore, before surgery, patients must undergo thorough testing of liver, kidney, and coagulation functions to prevent complications.
Currently, HFH utilizes the Coblator high-frequency wave technique because it causes minimal burns and minimal damage to surrounding tissues. Additionally, this method is quick (5-7 minutes), and the high-frequency waves at 67°C do not cause burns. Modern equipment enables quick procedures while minimizing tissue damage and potential complications.
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