Medical Specialties
- Anesthesiology & Intensive Care Unit
- Clinical and Interventional Cardiology
- Dermatology & Venereology
- Emergency Medicine
- Endocrinology
- Gastroenterology & Hepatology
- General & Family Medicine
- Infectious Diseases & Tropical Medicine
- Interventional Radiology
- Nephrology
- Neurology
- Pediatrics & Neonatology
- Pneumology & Allergology
- Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
- Rheumatology
- Nutrition
General & Family Medicine
Dernière mise à jour 04/24/2020 - 13:27
The General Practitioner is the first point of contact family members have for most medical services. To be able to assess a problem and decide on the appropriate course of action the General Practitioners at Hanoi French Hospital call on their extensive knowledge of medical conditions.
The General Practitioner team at the Hospital are highly qualified physicians who provide primary care for all members of the family from new-born babes to the elderly, and whose practice is not limited to any specific branch of medicine.
It is important for all patients to see a General Practitioner prior to meeting with a Specialist, as the General Practitioner will perform a general check-up of the patient in order to determine and co-ordinate the resources needed for a patient’s treatment.
The General Practitioner will be able to refer the patient to the right Specialist for treatment. The General Practitioner Department works collaboratively with Specialists in all departments to arrive at a course of treatment specifically suited to the patient’s needs.
Our General Practitioner team also provides extensive preventative health screening and check up programs, from pre-employment screening to tailor made annual health check-ups. Our team provide you with a full medical report together with explanations and recommendations to enable you to stay fit and healthy.

Dr. Dang Ngoc Tan
Medical school
- 1995: Medical Doctor, University of Medicine, Thai Nguyen City, Vietnam
Board Certifications
- 2010: Master of Science in Medicine (Rheumatology), University of Medicine, Hanoi, Vietnam
- 2001: Clinical Pharmacy I, II, III- Faculty of Pharmacy, Hanoi, Vietnam
- 2004: FFI training ICU at Dreux general hospital/ University of Paris VI, France.
- 1995-2003: Doctor at the Emergency Department at Bac Thang Long General Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam
- 2003-2004: Internal Medicine Doctor of Hospital Center of Dreux, France
- 2004-2007: Internal Medicine Doctor at Bac Thang Long General Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam
- 2007-2010: Master studies in Rheumatology, Bach Mai Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam
- 2011-present: Rheumatologist, Internal Medicine Doctor at L’Hôpital Français de Hanoi , Hanoi, Vietnam
- Vietnamese Association of Rheumatology
- Rheumatologic pathologies

Dr. Giang Thuc Anh
Medical school
- 2000: Medical Doctor, Hanoi Medical University, Hanoi, Vietnam
- 2004: Residency in Intensive Care, Emergency Care and Toxicology, Hanoi Medical University, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- 2006: Residency, in the Intensive Care Unit, Hautepierre Hospital, Strasbourg, France
- 2003: Inter-University Program on emergency medicine, in collaboration with Nantes University – France and Hanoi Medical University – Vietnam
- 2006 – 2016 : Doctor in Intensive Care Unit, Bach Mai hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam
- 2017 -present: General Practitioner Hanoi French Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- 2016: Successful treatment by using ECMO, of a patient infected with A H1N1 influenza, complicated by acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
- 2015: Initial experience in the application of ECMO in treatment of cardiogenic shock patient (Report at 12th Congress of World Federation of Societies of Intensive Care Medicine – Seoul 2015)
- 2013: Successful treatment of the patient with cardiogenic shock due to acute myocarditis by using ECMO; and the patient with cardiac arrest due to myocardial infarction.
- 2010: Successful treatment for a pregnant woman affected with AH1N1 influenza presenting respiratory failure.
- 2008: Two cases of severe pneumonia due to A/H5N1 influenza
- 2008 : Oseltamivir is Adequately Absorbed Following Nasogastric Administration to a Adult Patients with Severe H5N1 Influenza (Public library of science - www.plosone .org - Volume 3/Issue 10/e3410)
- 2004: Nosocomial infection and antibiotic therapy for treatment of nosocomial infection in the ICU, Bach Mai hospital.
- Vietnamese National Association of Emergency, Intensive Care Medicine and Clinical Toxicology.
- Nosocomial Infection in the Intensive Care Unit
- Invasive Fungal Infection in the Intensive Care Unit
- Severe pneumonia in adults due to A-Influenza

Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hung
Medical School
- 1996: Medical Doctor, Thai Nguyen Medical University, Vietnam
Board of certifications
- 2000: Master and Resident Physician in Infectious and Tropical Disease, Bach Mai Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- 2001-2006: Resident Physician Advanced training in internal medicine and neurology in various hospitals such as Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Pitié-Salpetrier, Paris; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Bichat-Claude Bernard, Paris and Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Saint-André, Bordeaux, France.
- 2007 till present: Specialist in Emergency, Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Hanoi French Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- Vietnamese Society of Infectious Diseases
- Vietnam Association for the Study of Liver disease- VASLD
- Infectious Diseases Society of America ( IDSA)
- Infectious and Tropical diseases
- Viral hepatitis
- Immunopathology

Dr. Nguyen Quang Hien
Medical School
- 1994: Medical Doctor, University of Medicine, Thai Binh, Vietnam.
Board Certifications
- 2003: Master of Science in Medicine, University of Medicine, Hanoi, Vietnam
- 2007: Certificate of specialty formation in Emergency Medicine, Paris Descartes University, Paris, France
- 1997 – 2003: Specialty in Emergency Medicine and Critical Care, University of Medicine, Hanoi, Vietnam
- 2006 – 2007: FFI (Faisant fonction d’interne), Paris Descartes University, Paris, France
- 1994 – 1997: Medical doctor, ED - ICU, Nghe An General Hospital, Nghe An, Vietnam
- 1998 – 2002: Medical doctor, ED – ICU A9, Bach Mai Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam
- 2002: Part-time senior Underwriter, American International Assurance (AIA), Hanoi, Vietnam
- 2003 – 2006: Senior Medical doctor, ICU, Huu Nghi Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam
- 2003: Member of task force against SARS (Severe acute respiratory syndrome), WHO, Hanoi, Vietnam
- 2006-2007: Fellow, ED, George-Pompidou Hospital, Paris, France
- From 2008 till present: Head of Internal Medicine unit, Hanoi French Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam
- Vietnamese Society of Anesthesiologists, since 1998
- Emergency medicine
- Critical Care
- Urgent metabolic pathology
- Infectious diseases, tropical diseases
- Complicated, multi-pathology cases requiring multidisciplinary managment

Dr. Nguyen Van Mui
Medical School
- 2003: Medical Doctor, University of Medicine, HaiPhong, Vietnam
Board Certifications
- 2014: Master degree in Internal Medicine, Hanoi Medical University, Hanoi, Vietnam
- 2003-2004: Physician, general medicine, Vietnam National Institute of Maritime Medicine, Hai Phong, Vietnam
- 2004-2006: Resident Doctor, Cavaleb Blanche Hospital, Brest, France
- 2007- present: Working at General Medicine and Emergency care, Hanoi French Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam
- Emergency Care
- Endocrine disorders and dietetics

Dr. Vu Hoang Thu
Medical school
- 1982: Medical Doctor, Medical University Hanoi, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Board Certifications
- 1989: First degree Speciality, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- 2014 and 2015: continuous formation in allergo-clinical immunology (organized by Franco- Vietnamese association of Pneumology, Hanoi, Vietnam)
- 1984: Residency in Dermatology Institute, Bach mai hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam
- 1994-1995: Residency in internal medicine and dermato-allergology department , Brest, France
- 1996: Residency in Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care, Bach mai hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam
- 2001: Courses on clinical and therapeutic synthesis, France
- 2014 and 2015: Continuous formation in allergo-clinical immunology (Franco- Vietnamese association of Pneumology, Viet nam)
- 1996-2000: Head of Emergency Department; Clinical immuno-allergology department; Bach Mai Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam
- 2009-present: Head of Outpatient Department, Hanoi French Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam
- General and emergency medicine

Dr. Tran Anh Dung
Medical School
- 1998: Medical Doctor, University of Medicine, Hanoi, Vietnam
Board Certifications
- 2000: Specialization Degree Level 1, Internal Medicine, University of Medicine, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- 2002: Interuniversity Diploma in therapeutic strategy and infectious diseases, Universities Paris V, VI, VII, France
- 2001: Resident Doctor, Internal Medicine, Saint-Antoine Faculty of Medicine, France
- 1998-2000: Internship Assistant Professor, Parasitology Department, University of Medicine, Hanoi, Vietnam
- 2000-2002: Advanced training (FFI), Internal Medicine, Courbevoie-Neuilly sur Seine, France
- 2004: Project Officer, Association of Medical Doctors of Asia, Vietnam.
- 2005: General Practitioner, Department of Internal Medicine, Hoe Nhai Hospital & Emergency Department of Dong Da Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam
- From 2005-present: General Practitioner and Emergency Physician, Hanoi French Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Dr. Francois Pruvot
Medical School
- 1994-2001: Medical Study, Henri Warembourg Medical School, University of Lille II, France.
- 2004: Doctor in Medicine, Henri Warembourg Medical School, University of Lille II, France.
- 2001-2004: Residency, Pediatric Emergency Unit, Valenciennes General Hospital; Prehospital Mobile Unit, SAMU, Lille University Hospital; Intensive Care Unit, Béthune General Hospital, France
- 2006: Diploma in Emergency Medicine, Henri Warembourg Medical School, University of Lille II, France
Further Training
- 2004: EKG reading and interpretation, Henri Warembourg Medical School, University of Lille II, France
- 2005: Diploma in Intensive Care, Henri Warembourg Medical School, University of Lille II, France
- 2007: Diploma in Disaster Medicine, Henri Warembourg Medical School, University of Lille II, France
- 2011-2012: Interuniversity Diploma in Chiropractic and Osteopathy, Henri Warembourg Medical School, University of Lille II, France
- 2015: Degree in Sports Medicine, Marseille Medical School, France
- 2017: Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support and Pediatric Advanced Life Support
- 2004-2006: Full time physician, Medical and surgical Intensive Care Unit, Béthune General Hospital, France
- 2006-2008: Full time hospital practitioner, Emergency Unit and Pre-hospital Mobile Unit, Béthune General Hospital, France
- 2008-2012: Emergency Medicine, Clinique Medico-chirurgicale de la Cote d’Opale
- 2012-2016: Emergency Physician, International SOS Clinic, Beijing, China
- 2015-2016: General Practitioner, International SOS Clinic, Hanoi, Vietnam
- 2016-2018: Senior physician, Emergency Department, Basse-Terre Public Hospital, West Indies Guadeloupe, France.
- Member of the French Emergency Medicine Society
- Member of the French Association of Private Hospital Emergency Physicians
- Comprehensive examination
- Diagnosis and treatment of chronic and acute conditions
- Emergency care
- Sports medicine
- Trauma management
- Disaster medicine

Dr. Vu Quang Huy
Medical School:
- 1995: Medical Doctor, University of Medicine, Hanoi, Vietnam
Board Certifications:
- 2000: Post-graduate training on Intensive Care and Poison Control, Bach Mai Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam
- 2000-2002: General Practitioner at Emergency, Intensive Care and Poison Control, Bach Mai Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam
- 2002-2012: General Practitioner at International SOS, Hanoi, Vietnam
- From 2012: General Practitioner & Emergency Medicine, Hanoi French Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam
- Vietnam Association of Emergency, Intensive Care and Poison Control
- General Medicine
- Emergencies

Dr. Kubo Shun
- 2003 - 2009: Student of Toho University School of Medicine (Tokyo)
- 2009 - 2011: Internship: Intern of Toho University Ohashi medical hospital.
- 2009 - 2015: Physician (Internship and Resident, Internal Medicine), Toho University Ohashi Hospital Tokyo, Japan
- 2015 - 2017: Physician (Nephrologist,) Nissan Tamagawa Hospital (Department of Nephrology and Dialysis) Tokyo, Japan
- 2017 – 2020: Physician (Nephrologist, Attending doctor) Toho university Ohashi medical centre Tokyo, Japan
- 2021: Physician (Nephrologist) Jan Aoto Kidney Clinic Tokyo, Japan (Part-time doctor since 2016.)
- 2021 – 2023: Physician(G.P), JVMC (Sakura Clinic Hanoi) Hanoi, Vienam
- Fellow of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine.
- Board Certified Nephrologist of the Japanese Society of Nephrology.
- Fellow of the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy.
- Certified Physician of Japanese Society of Travel Medicine.
- General practitioner (Internist)
- Family Medicine
- Kidney Disease
- Hemodialysis and Peritoneal dialysis
- Cardiovascular disorders