Medical Specialties
- Anesthesiology & Intensive Care Unit
- Clinical and Interventional Cardiology
- Dermatology & Venereology
- Emergency Medicine
- Endocrinology
- Gastroenterology & Hepatology
- General & Family Medicine
- Infectious Diseases & Tropical Medicine
- Interventional Radiology
- Nephrology
- Neurology
- Pediatrics & Neonatology
- Pneumology & Allergology
- Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
- Rheumatology
- Nutrition
Interventional Radiology
Dernière mise à jour 04/24/2020 - 13:29
Interventional Radiology is a medical specialty that performs minimally invasive treatments using radiologic imaging for procedure guidance including fluoroscopy, CT and ultrasound.
Complex IR procedures are performed in the Interventional Radiology Unit and the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory. IR procedures include biopsies, draining fluids, catheter insertion, dilating or stenting narrowed ducts or vessels.
Interventional Radiology Services
- Angiography
- Balloon angiography and stenting of cerebral, renal, mesenteric and peripheral arteries
- Arteriovenous malformation treatment-coiling
- Biliary drainage and stenting
- Central venous access
- Hemodialysis access maintenance
- Infection&abscess drainage
- Needle biopsy
- Urinary tract obstruction treatment
- Uterine artery embolization
- Uterine fibroid embolization
- Varicocele embolization
- Vena cava filter
Patient Population Served
Patients of all age groups referred from the Hospital's departments or other facilities.