Surgical Specialties
Visceral Surgery
Dernière mise à jour 04/24/2020 - 13:36
The Visceral Surgery Department is operated by a French-Vietnamese team of experts who perform open (conventional) surgery and minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery.
Laparoscopic (or “keyhole”) surgery is a technique that has evolved over recent years and has several advantages over traditional methods. Because it is minimally invasive patients experience less pain and recover faster with less time needed to stay in the hospital after their surgery. Many surgeries such as appendectomy and hernia operations can be done with this technique at the hospital.
Our team of surgeons provides diagnosis, medical and surgical treatment of most diseases and conditions affecting the digestive tract and abdominal wall including:
- Appendectomy (removal of appendix, can be performed laparoscopically).
- Perforated ulcer of the stomach or of the duodenum.
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease, diaphragmatic hernias.
- Gastric operations (partial or total gastrectomy performed for benign or malignant tumors, gastrostomy, gastroenterostomy).
- Obesity surgery (also called bariatric surgery) such as sleeve gastrectomy, gastric ring or gastric bypass.
- Intestinal obstructions of the small or of the large bowels.
- Abdominal traumas with splenic, intestinal or hepatic injuries.
- Peritonitis due to perforation of an internal organ.
- Hepatic and biliary surgery (cholecystectomy, choledochotomy, hepatectomy, biliary bypass…) by open or laparoscopic approach.
- Pancreatic and splenic operations as cephalic duodenopancreatectomy, left pancreatectomy with splenectomy, cysto-jejunostomie (mostly by open surgery).
- Colon and rectal surger. Removal of part or all the colon can be performed laparoscopically.
- Surgery of hernia and defects of the abdominal wall, with mesh by open or laparoscopic approach.
- Proctologic operations (haemorrhoids, fistula, anal fissure, abcess, etc.) by new techniques such as Longo, HAL Doppler with RAR.
At HFH we follow stringent European Infection Prevention and Control standards for the reprocessing of our surgical instruments and the facility in order to minimize the risk of infections.
The hospital uses of state of the art equipment for laparoscopic and open surgery such as the brand new Olympus 4K column that makes us unique in the Vietnamese market.

Dr. Bui Trung
Medical School
- 1982: Medical Doctor, University of Medicine, Military medical Institute, Hanoi, Vietnam
Board Certifications
- 1984: Specialization Degree Level 1, Visceral surgery, University of Medicine, Military Medical Institute, Hanoi, Vietnam
- 1993: Visceral surgery, Begin Military Hospital, Paris, France
- 1983-1990: Visceral Surgeon, Military hospital 103, Hanoi, Vietnam
- 1990-2000: Senior Visceral Surgeon, Central Military hospital 108, Hanoi, Vietnam
- 2000-present: Visceral Surgeon, Hanoi French Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam
- Emergency visceral surgery
- Digestive surgery
- Biliary lithiasis surgery
- Anal disease surgery
- Abdominal wall hernia surgery
- Laparoscopy