Day Care Unit
Modern surgical techniques allow for shorter hospital stays. Many procedures can be completed in less than one day. At HFH you will be quietly accommodated and prepared for your intervention on inclinable chairs with music headphones.
Recommendations for day care are based entirely on the patient's condition and the nature of procedures or operations required.
After your procedure you will be observed in the recovery room and then accompanied to the Day Care Unit. The doctor will see you before you leave the hospital.
Various procedures in different specialties are eligible for day care
- Gastroenterology: eg. gastroscopy, coloscopy
- ENT: eg. adenoidectomy, paracentesis
- Urology: eg. lithotripsy, cystoscopy
- Ophthalmology: eg. cataract, blepharoplasty
- Obstetrics and gynecology
- Orthopedics